Monday, May 6, 2013


Here you have an guide of resources about information on some of the different citizen's rights. We also use it as  a bibliography because we took the information from internet.

We tried to upload the pics from free websites but not always was posible:

The information about the rights and the campaign came basically from the European Union website and the Eurobask.

For the rest we used different sources next links are some of them.

For us as young people talking about European rights, the most relevant would be the right of mobility. This is, the opportunity of moving around Europe for studying or for working.

We think that this link can be an interesting one because it give us different information about the mobility in Europe.

In this link you can find a guide resources about studying and working in Europe. Also, you can find some interesting documents.

If you want to study abroad, here we found differents links which describes differents programmes: The two first are related to young people while the third one is for adults.

Then in this link you can find information about an organization called EPA (European Projects Association) which has different activities about the education in Europe.

And to finish we found this page which shows different options, like grants, to study abroad just to promote specialization and training of professionals.

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